Medcycle gives you the ability to e-consult from anywhere.
Today’s connected world is making the world of medicine more efficient, accessible and safer. Medcycle lets the referring doctor send a detailed referral letter and any supporting files that you might require for triaging. You or your team can triage the patient and determine whether an e-consult is possible.

Electronic consultations (e-consults) are a promising approach to the challenge of improving access to specialty care. E-consults offer a rapid, direct, and documented communication pathway for consultation between primary care and specialist. They may avert the need for a face-to-face visit between specialist and patient. E-consults have the potential to enable cost-effective and convenient care for patients while improving access to and coordination of specialty care across the system.

The ability to send correspondence, files, medical images and reports gives you the opportunity to provide a consult without seeing the patient. You can communicate directly with the sending doctor via Medcycle and even include the patient in the loop. All interactions on a referral are tracked and there is always a complete audit trail.

Whether you are in your office, at home or at the cabin you have complete access to everything. All securely stored in the cloud.