How to Reduce Referral Leakage
What is referral leakage? Referral leakage is when a referral for a number of reasons seeps out of your network and into another.
Referral leakage happens when patients seek their own referrals because of lack of contact, information and dissatisfaction. Reducing referral, or patient leakage as it’s known sometimes, can have a significant effect on revenue.
Mismanaged referrals are not only concerning from a primary care perspective but detract from a clinic’s reputation. Moreover leaked referrals can reduce health system revenues significantly.

Today’s world of digitized and instant communications has changed the standard in what patients expect. If Amazon can provide a receipt, a tracking number and an estimated time of delivery along with a follow up, why can’t the medical community do the same? If you can use a web based form to complete an order for a product that compels you to complete it accurately, and in fact when you answer a certain question the data requirements change; why doesn’t a referral get managed the same way?
This is the age of the patient and that is why Medcycle was designed and created with the patient in mind.

Medcycle reduces referral leakage and patient frustration through:
- Keeping the patient in the loop by providing automated updates every time the status of their referral changes.
- Sending appointment reminders along with if needed additional information such as directions and parking instructions.
- The sending clinic can access the referral at any time and check on the status
- Medcycle ensures that the referral is accurate and error free.
- Medcycle allows for E Consult.
- Interprofessional collaboration is a breeze.