Prevent Faxes from Falling Through the Cracks

Manage all inbound and outbound faxes. Every office is different. Medcycle lets you work the way you want to work.  The fax machine is not going to disappear over night and we have a unique solution to manage all your referrals no matter what the source.  You can convert any referral into a PDF on the fly and use a manual or eFax solution.  Your patients are always in the loop and sending or receiving offices can always look up and check the status of a referral.

Medcycle can also integrate with HIPAA compliant fax solutions such as SRFAX, Interfax, Efax and others.

When you start using Medcycle you will see that it doesn’t force you to change your workflow processes. Most users discover many existing office inefficiencies when using Medcycle.  We have been told that Medcycle can pay for itself in a day with the amount of time and money that Medcycle helps you save.